7 Tips For Making Online Exams Accessible
Is making online exams accessible important? Several schools and universities provide online education. In the […]
aria-rowspan property
aria-rowspan property defines the number of rows a cell spanned within a table, grid or […]
aria-rowindex Property
aria-rowindex property is used on a table, grid or a treegrid where all the rows […]
aria-rowcount (property)
Dynamic tables are quite common in modern web. In these dynamic tables, Number of rows […]
aria-roledescription (property)
Aria-roledescription property is new in ARIA 1.1 specification. This property allow content author to provide […]
aria-placeholder (property)
Aria-placeholder property is new in ARIA 1.1 specifications. This property is used to provide a […]
aria-keyshortcuts (property)
The aria-keyshortcuts property informs the screen reader user the shortcuts developer implemented to activate or […]
aria-errormessage (property)
aria-errormessage property is used to present the error message to a screen reader user. It […]
aria-details (property)
Aria-details property identifies the element that provides a detailed explanation of an object. It is […]
aria-colspan property
aria-colspan property defines the number of columns a cell spanned within a table, grid or […]