Slack Keyboard Commands

Slack is the preferred instant messaging and call service for teams. Using slack is simple and fast if you know few tips. If you are a power user, a keyboard only user or a screen reader user the following slack keyboard commands will be very useful.

The following slack keyboard commands are for desktop app. Some of them can be used on a browser too.

Slack commands on a desktop

Action Windows command Mac command
Jump to a conversation Control + K Command + K
Go to previous unread channel or direct message Alt + Shift + up arrow Option + Shift + up arrow
Go to next unread channel or direct message Alt + Shift + Down arrow Option + Shift + down arrow
Go to previous  visited channel or direct message Alt + Left arrow Command + [
Go to next visited channel or direct message Alt + Right  arrow Command + ]
Browse direct messages Control + Shift + K Command + Shift + K
Browse channels Control + Shift + L Command + Shift + L
Open channel information Control + Shift + I Command + Shift + I
Go to previous section Shift + F6 Shift + F6
Go to next section F6 F6
Open the threads view Control + Shift + T Command + Shift + T
Open all unread Control + Shift + A Command + Shift + A
Open your preferences Control + , (Cama) Command + , (cama)
Toggle full screen view (Message field should not be focus) Control + Shift + F Command + F
Expand or collapse right sidebar Control + . (dot) Command + . (dot)
Expand or collapse left sidebar Control + Shift + D Command + Shift + D
Switch to previous workspace Control + Shift + Tab Control + Shift + [
Switch to next workspace Control + Tab Control + Shift + ]
Switch to a specific workspace Control + number (1, 2, 3 etc) Command + number (1, 2, 3 etc)

Slack commands for messaging

Action Windows Command Mac Command
Compose message Control + N Command + N
Mentions & Reactions Control + Shift + M Command + Shift + M
Move between unread messages Up and down arrow Up and down arrow
Open and close channels (while navigating unread messages) Left and right arrows Left and right arrows
Mark all messages in current channel or direct message as read Escape Escape
Mark all messages as read Shift + Escape Shift + Escape
Edit message (when it is in focus) E E
Delete message (When it is in focus) Delete key Deleat key
Add an emoji to message (When it is in focus) R R
Open or reply to a message (when it is in focus) T or right arrow T or right arrow
Ping or unping a message (When it is in focus) P P
Share a message (When it is in focus) S S
Create a reminder about a message ( When it is in focus) M M

Formatting slack messages

Action Windows Command Mac Command
Edit your last message Control + Up arrow Command + Up arrow
Select current message to beginning of current line Shift + up arrow Shift + up arrow
Select message up to end of current line Shift + down arrow Shift + down arrow
Add a new line Shift + Enter Shift + Enter
Add emoji to the message Control + Shift + \ (back slash) Command + Shift + \ (back slash)
Bold selected text Control + B Command + B
Italicize selected text Control + I Command + I
Turn selected text into numbered list Control + Shift + 7 Command + Shift + 7
Turn selected text into bulleted list Control +Shift + 8 Command + Shift + 8