NVDA Commands

The following list of NVDA commands or keyboard shortcuts help anyone working in the area of digital accessibility as a reference document. This document also helps developers to check for screen reader conflicts while implementing access keys. These NVDA keyboard commands should work on all Windows based browsers. See the Maxability recommended screen reader Vs browser combination for accessibility.

This document is not an exhaustive list of NVDA keyboard commands. You may want to read the help document supplied with the software for complete information.

NVDA is a free and open source screen reader by NVAccess. If you have not already downloaded the NVDA screen reader for windows, Go to NVDA download page.

Basic NVDA Commands

Action Keyboard  command
Turn on NVDA Control + Alt + N
Turn off NVDA Insert + Q
Open NVDA settings menu Insert + N
Stop NVDA from speaking Control
Pause or resume NVDA from speaking Shift
Decrease NVDA rate of speaking Control + Insert + Up arrow
Increase NVDA rate of speaking Control + Insert + Down arrow
Refresh NVDA buffer Insert + F5

NVDA commands for web

Action Keyboard  Command
Read title of the page Insert + T
Go to top of the page Control + Home
Go to bottom of the page Control + End
Read from current position to end of the page Insert + Down arrow
Read next line Down arrow
Read previous line Up arrow
Switch mode from browse to forms and vice versa Insert + space key
Go to next actionable control Tab
Go to previous actionable control Shift + Tab
Go to next heading H (only in browse mode)
Go to previous heading Shift + h (only in browse mode)
Go to specific level of heading 1 to 6(only in browse mode, alphabet keyboard)
Go to next form control F (only in browse mode)
Go to previous form control Shift + F (only in browse mode)
Go to next landmark D (only in browse mode)
Go to previous landmark Shift + D (only in browse mode)
Go to next list L (only in brose mode)
Go to previous list Shift + L (only in browse mode)
Go to next table T (only in browse mode)
Go to previous table Shift + T (only in browse mode)
Navigate between the cells in a table Control + Alt + Directional keys.
Open the item list dialog Insert + F7 (links, headings, landmarks and forms lists)
Select or deselect checkbox Space Key
Open dropdown, autocomplete Alt + Down arrow
Select radio button or options in dropdown Up or Down arrow when the focus is in the control.

Few other NVDA keyboard commands

All the following keyboard commands only work in browse mode. Adding shift with the command executes the previous occurrence of the UI control. For example, letter ‘b’ navigates to the next button on the page, shift + b navigates to previous button on the page.

Action Keyboard Command
Next image G
Next list item I
Next edit box E
Next radio button R
Next checkbox X
Next Combobox C
Next button B
Next link K
Next visited link V
Next unvisited link U