CSUN 2020 is between March 09th to 13th

The world’s largest and longest assistive technology conference CSUN 2020 is scheduled between 09th and 13th March, 2020. The first two days are as usual workshops and the actual conference begins on March11th. The speaker registrations are just closed. Watch out for the member registration and program agenda towards the end of 2019. More information on CSUN on Maxability blog.

October is ADHD awareness month

October being ADHD awareness month, here is an opportunity for you to vote for the videos on ADHD video contest .

ADHD Awareness Month is celebrated every October, with events and activities happening all across the country and now, around the world, on the ground and on the Internet, capturing the notice of numerous national, regional and local media outlets resulting in articles, interviews and feature stories. Read more about ADHD awareness month.

Open AIR just kicked off

Open AIR, Accessibility Internet rally just kicked off, lets cheer up the teams. Between October 7th and November 15th the teams build accessible websites for their local non-profits. Here is some more information about Knowbility’s Open AIR

Web AIM 8th screen reader survey results are out

The 8th screen reader user survey results are now published by Web AIM. Results captured very interesting facts on the statistics of screen reader users and their preferences. Keep an eye on our summary article coming soon. Till then look at actual survey results.

Other key updates

In honor of National Disability Employment Awareness Month, Tech Disability Project and Adobe welcome the tech disability community and allies for an evening of learning and connecting the evening of Monday, October 7. More at Disability Connect: Tech Disability ERG Panel + Mixer.

Inclusive Design 24 (#id24) is a free 24-hour online event for the global community. It celebrates inclusive design and shares knowledge and ideas from analogue to digital, from design to development, from planners to practitioners, and everything and everyone in between. It’s online and free. The event is live on youtube . The play list  is published.

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