Chapter 14: Auto Updating

Many websites support auto updating content. To provide real time updates to the user, auto updating content is essential in the modern web. However when this auto updating content is in parallel with other contents of the web page, it may cause difficulty in concentrating on the current user action.

Similar to moving, scrolling and blinking content, the auto updating content also need the provision to pause, stop or hide the updates. In addition a feature that allows the user to control the frequency of the updates can help the users in receiving the updates in the intervals they are comfortable with.

This controlling frequency might not be a good feature for vital real time information such as stock tickers but to avoid distraction users may be interested.

When the user pause or set a frequency as once in 5 minutes, after resume or completion of time the updates might be delayed. If such delay is part of the content, the same have to be informed to the user. In other cases like stock ticker, instead of delaying the update, a real time or most up to date information can be supplied to the user.

Validation for auto update

  1. Open the page on the browser.
  2. Check if the page contains any content that is automatically updating, It may be as simple as a progress indicator to more complex such as live stock ticker updates.
  3. If such content is not part of the page, this success criteria is not applicable.
  4. If such content is part of the page, check if it is the only content of the page or it is in parallel with other non-updating content of the page.
  5. If it is the only content on the page, this success criteria is passed by default.
  6. If this content is in parallel with other content of the page then check,
    1. If the page contains any provision to pause, stop or hide the updates or,
    2. If the page contains any provision to control the frequency of the updates.
  7. If any one of the features from step 6 is provided then this success criteria is considered as pass else failed.

WCAG Success Criteria

2.2.2 Pause, stop, hide (Level A)