NV Access are very pleased to announce that NVDA Expert Certification is now available!. The NVDA expert certification exam is online and free for any one. The exam takes 55 minutes with questions spread in 14 different sections.
NVDA expert certificate exam requires knowledge from basic to advanced. Some key elements one need to know are listed out on NVDA exam certification page. The questions are multiple choice in model. Most of the questions have a single answer structured with radio buttons, where more than one answer is applicable checkboxes are provided for the user to select the answer. The time limit is 55 minutes, the examiny can check the available time throughout the exam.
The online NVDA expert certificate exam is free for anyone but to have a certificate provided by NV Access a fee of AUD 100 is applicable. In addition an accessible PDF form of certificate will be provided. The names of certified NVDA experts will be published on NV Access website. Current list of certificate holders are available here. In case if the participant is unable to pass the exam 3 weeks time is provided for preparing and reappearing for the exam.
Hope this information helps many NVDA experts looking for such Accreditation.