The American Foundation for the Blind’s annual Leadership Conference covers the most pressing and relevant topics in the field of blindness and offers many opportunities to learn from the best and brightest minds in our field, make new connections, and reunite with old friends while earning ACVREP and CRC CEUs.
The AFBLC attracts established and emerging leaders in the blindness field. Conference attendees include technology experts, corporate representatives, university professors, teachers of students with visual impairments, orientation and mobility instructors, rehabilitation professionals, and parents. They come from diverse organizations and institutions spanning the public and private sectors, including school districts, schools for the blind, Veterans Administrations, hospitals, private agencies, and universities.
The 2014 AFBLC attracted over 440 attendees from 39 states and 8 countries.
When & Where is AFBLeadership Conference
The 2015 AFB Leadership Conference will take place at the Renaissance Phoenix Downtown Hotel, April 9-11.
To know more information on registration and other details see AFBLC 2015 page.
About American Federation for the Blind
“Action is our watchword; action will bring results.”
This was our motto when we opened our doors in 1921, and it continues to guide us today. As a national nonprofit with offices in five US cities, the American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) is a leader in expanding possibilities for the more than 20 million Americans living with vision loss. We champion access and equality, and stand at the forefront of new technologies. Our award-winning programs directly address the most pressing needs of people with vision loss and their families. Like Helen Keller, AFB’s most famous ambassador, we are committed to creating a more equitable world for people with disabilities. From infancy to education, career, and retirement, AFB is there to help at every stage of life.
Know more About AFB.