International Day for Persons with Disabilities – December 3rd, 2013

Break barriers, open doors: for an inclusive society for all


Approximately 15% of the world population faces some kind of disability. In India too the number is definitely high though the 2011 census have not provided the exact number yet. Due to the barriers caused by the disability, persons with disabilities will not be able to fully and equally participate in social, economical, cultural, political and many other sectors.

Recognizing this fact as a global issue United nations General Assembly proclaimed 1981 as the International Year of Disabled Persons. To give the organizations and countries enough time to plan, adopt and execute programs, policies, activities etc for the inclusion and equal participation of persons with disabilities, the period between 1983 and 1992 was declared as United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons. Later on every year 3rd December is marked as international day for persons with disabilities with an emphasis on unique theme every year. However international disability movement is taken to an advanced level after adoption of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities by United Nations in the year 2006.

“Break barriers, open doors: for an inclusive society for all” is the theme for 2013.
December 3rd is the international day for persons with disabilities.

What can be done to observe IDPD-2013?

Taken from UN Enable – International Day of Persons with Disabilities, 3 December 2013(External website)

Include: Observance of the Day provides opportunities for participation by all stakeholders – Governments, the UN system, civil society and organizations of persons with disabilities – to focus on issues related to the inclusion of persons with disabilities in development, both as beneficiaries and agents.

Organize: Hold forums, public discussions and information campaigns to help find innovative ways and means by which persons with disabilities and their families can be further integrated into their societies and development plans.

Celebrate: Plan and organize performances everywhere to showcase – and celebrate – the contributions made by persons with disabilities as agents of change and development in the communities in which they live.

Take Action: A major focus of the Day is practical and concrete action to include disability in all aspects of development, as well as to further the participation of persons with disabilities in social life and development on the basis of equality. Highlight progress and obstacles in implementing disability-sensitive policies, as well as promote public awareness to break barriers and open doors: for an inclusive society for all.

What will you do, what have you done for IdpD 2013?

Are you planning an event to observe international day for persons with disabilities, but not sure what can you do?

Are you organizing an event on international day for persons with disabilities, but not sure how to draw the attention of the public, or invite the public?

Have you organized the international day for persons with disabilities in your organization and want to share your experience with the world?? (After December 2013 with not more than 4 sentences and one important message your chief guest have delivered)

Send an email to, we will be more than happy to help you. I will spread a word about your event in the best possible way I could do. Later after the event we will post few sentences and important message that is delivered in the event on our website to let the world know!!!

All the best for your event.
Rakesh Paladugula